


近三十年的创业生长 ,来利国际AG旗舰厅集团在历次重大转折时期有幸获得各地、各级政府领导、业界专家、朋友和宽大消费者对我们一以贯之的体贴和始终如一的期望。正是这种社会的体贴和期望成为支持来利国际AG旗舰厅人自强不息、拼搏进取的精神力量。伟人说过:人在世总需要一点精神!这些年 ,来利国际AG旗舰厅集团筚路蓝缕、栉风沐雨 ,顽强地走到了今天 ,靠的就是一种精神 ,一种不平输、不气馁、不怨天尤人的精神。来利国际AG旗舰厅集团正是在这种精神的激励下 ,依靠科学治理 ,以求真务实的态度经营企业。来利国际AG旗舰厅集团今天虽然取得了小小的结果 ,但我们的心里很是清楚 ,这只是刚刚起步 ,我们的路还长 ,我们的目标还在远方。在如今竞争猛烈、不进则退的市场气氛中 ,我们没有资格 ,更没有时机去自满。今后 ,我和我的同事将继续坚持以企业为平台 ,致力于把来利国际AG旗舰厅集团打造成中国优秀的建筑品牌 ,以来利国际AG旗舰厅集团的不绝壮大 ,报效家人、报效员工、报效社会 ,实现自我的价值。

“长风破浪会有时 ,直挂云帆济沧海”

Nearly Threedecades of business development, Dalong Group, a major turning point in theprevious period had the honor to be around, at all levels of governmentleaders, industry experts, our friends and consumers a consistent concern andconsistent expectations. It is this social care and support of a Dalong Groupwho expect to be self-reliance, hard work and enterprising spirit of the force.Great man said: people always need a little spirit alive!Over theyears, Dalong Group arduous, despite wind and rain, tenaciously to this day,relies on is a spirit, an unwillingness to admit defeat, not despair, notcomplaining spirit. Dalong Group, the incentive is in this spirit, relying onscientific management, a realistic attitude to business enterprises. DalongGroup today has yielded little results, but we are very clear, this is just thebeginning, our road is still long, our goal is still distant. In today'scompetitive and progressive market environment, we are not qualified, and nochance to be complacent. In the future, I and my colleagues will continue toadhere to the company as a platform committed to make Dalong Group, to be aoutstanding corporation, and a Dalong Group continues to grow, to serve thefamily, to serve the people, serve the community, achieve self-worth.

"The greatambition there, sail to the sea."  



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